The MPs We Deserve
In 1997, Martin Bell became an ‘anti-sleaze’ MP, but things seem to be getting worse as Parliament becomes more synonymous with the S-word.
In collaboration with Pranvera Shema Smith, founder of On Front Line.
Following a series of allegations swirling around Boris Johnson, the first British leader in recent history to be investigated for lying to Parliament, the current prime-minister Rishi Sunak is now under investigation following the revelation that his wife holds shares in a child care company which benefited from the recent Budget. Deputy prime minister Dominic Raab is under investigation for bullying, while some other MPs are being investigated for sexual misconduct, assault, and rape.
In addition, a number of MPs have been caught in media stings recently offering to sell access to businesses, while the SNP are under intense financial scrutiny in Scotland. More than 100,000 leaked WhatsApp messages reveal the Government’s haphazard handling of the pandemic, while PPP procurement scandals further undermine trust in politics and in those who run the country.
Is there a way out of this very public mess?
Zoë Grünewald is a lobby journalist writing and speaking about politics for the New Statesman. She writes and curates the New Statesman’s Morning Call newsletter, which covers Westminster’s news of the day and contributes to the New Statesman podcast. She was formerly a senior policy adviser at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and prior to that worked as a parliamentary clerk in the House of Commons. You can follow her on Twitter here: @zoe_grunewald
Martin Bell OBE is a British UNICEF Ambassador, a former broadcast war reporter and former independent politician who became the Member of Parliament for Tatton from 1997 to 2001.
Sir Anthony Seldon is a British educator and contemporary historian. As an author, he is known in part for his political biographies of consecutive British Prime Ministers, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson. Johnson at 10: The Inside Story is published this week.
Chris Morris is the author and broadcast journalist.
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